There was a time when my life was either a continual display of how messed up I was, or a big show to hide the mess. Living was mostly awful, and the worst part was that no matter how much I tried to get things right -- there was always a flaw that destroyed what I had somehow managed to put together. The whole cycle was hopeless. The only reason I survived was that I was young and had enough energy to keep trying.
Messed Up - Things were really bad. Then I got to a time when the pending loss was beyond my ability to handle and the cards I held were a losing hand (the story of my life). I needed an over the top wild card to turn my loosing hand into a winner. In desperation I reasoned that God, if He existed, could help me. He could make my four scattered single suit cards into a flush: perhaps enough to win…finally.
The last person I expected to find in the parking lot at 5 AM was Jesus. When I walked into His presence and He said, “I am your friend and you are saved”, I grasped that things really could be different. Finally someone had entered my life who had the desire and power to help me in my extremely messed up life.
That meeting began the change. It was shortly thereafter that Jesus revealed my spirit world enemies that controlled my miserable life, and what He did to turn it around.
As God improved my life, God wants to improve yours. If you look for Him with all your heart, you will find Him and He will lead you out of your messed up life. I am not saying that things will be perfect, but your life will get better and you will be on your way to a new life. The book Defeat Your Saboteurs will lead you to God and teach you how to defeat your enemies through Him. Take the chance: what good thing do you have to lose? Nothing! You will lose only the bad. Don't stay Messed Up.

Messed Up
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